Facebook Touch(touch.facebook.com) is the mobile version optimised for touch screen devices and it has got a pretty good face lift echoing the new changes for the desktop site.
The main feature you will notice is a new menu in the top left corner giving easy acess to new feed,messages,pages,groups and more.
The notifications panel also got a facelift now looking like one from an iPhone app.Also the news feed also has been improved like in desktop site showing recent stories you like rather than just showing recent news which was populated by game spams(friends triumphs playing Farmville and the like).
Also The status update has been changed adding Facebook's new feature allowing you to select who reads your updates.Though the update button required a refresh sometimes.
Overall the new touch site can compete with any Facebook app for Symbian and yes there are missing features like video upload and checkins.But for an average user Facebook has took the right path and will accelerate its path to global dominance.(Hope Google's listening).
the independent Symbain blog]